The Bioplatforms Australia-supported Plant Pathogen ‘Omics Initiative was initiated in 2022 and is working to generate a national library of ‘omics data to support the goals and missions of the plant health community in preparing for, managing and mitigating plant disease outbreaks across Australia’s agricultural sectors.

The program generates high quality molecular reference data for priority plant pathogens in Australia. This data is being developed through collaboration with the national plant pathogen community to support:

  • fundamental research and development in plant protection (e.g., understanding the emergence and evolution of pathogens in crop systems, resolving taxonomy and race structure, informing biocide development, etc.)
  • an effective national biosecurity surveillance system (e.g., incursion detection, rapid diagnostics tests, etc.)

All the details for the Request for Partnership are here:

The last day to apply is COB Friday 11th October 2024.

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